Skin Diseases

Dermatitis and eczema are being used synonymously by most dermatologist. Both Dermatitis and Eczema are non contagious inflammation of skin characterized by redness, scaling, oedema, vesiculation and oozing. Dermatitis literally mean inflammation of the skin and can include all inflammation of the skin except by specific infection. Eczema is greek word Ec-means out zeo-means boil. The whole word implies boil out.
FAQs about Eczema or Dermatitis
1. What is the difference between Eczema and Dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis is often referred as ECZEMA which is a general term for various types of inflammation of the skin.Atopic refers to group of diseases in which inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions such as asthma,hay fever. Skin becomes extremely itchy and causes redness ,swelling ,weeping clear fluid and finally crusting and scaling. In many cases there are worse periods called flares followed by clearing of entire skin called remissions
The world DERMATITIS means inflammation of the skin
Healing the skin and keeping it healthy with daily skin care are important to prevent further damage and enhance quality of life
2. What do you do in Holistic Treatment at Valeda?
The treatment includes internal remedies supported by external modalities like:- localized immune-enhancer activities to affected region i.e. acupuncture, applications of products with certified organic herbs, modernized cosmetology and procedures based on ancient principles as mentioned in classical text including Constitutional diet & Yoga.3. Can I treat Dermatitis with only local applications?s
Inflammation is a complex process. Excessive production of some inflammatory mediators may lead to chronic diseases. Improving and controlling itch in dermatitis require attention to various aspects ranging from elimination of trigger factors and adequate local ,topical ,external application and internal systemic plan4. How long will the treatment last?
Dermatitis/eczema is a skin condition characterized by skin inflammation and itchy skin. It is chronic or continuous ,non contagious and relapsing natureHolistic treatment help in eradicating dermatitis by increasing patients immunity so that there won't be any hypertensive flare-up. Well we talked about it at the onset that since the etiology has not been very well included by the medical scientist the world over therefore percentage of success will entirely depend on the response your system shows with an initial 2-3 months
and after that further recovery chances can be told to you with the better clarity till that time you have to take up a chance.
5. What is the Post treatment care?
Post treatment care includes cleansing of your skin, prevention from direct sunlight and application of prescribed herbal products as guided by the physician.Good skin care is an essential part of controlling the itch and rash of dermatitis. To help prevent a cycle of itching, scratching and rash you should keep your skin hydrated and avoid dry skin ,avoid skin irritants
6. Are there any side effects?
No.7. Is Eczema or Dermatitis infectious? Does it spread on touching?
Not at all. It cannot spread from person to person. People think any skin condition is contagious if it occurs all over ,but you cannot catch eczema from another person and you can't give it to some one by touching him or her. Eczema is not contagious like flu or a cold but it is often inherited or passed through genes.8. Can you suggest any cream for home care Dermatitis management?
Valeda Herbal Neem Skin Tonic and Valeda Herbal Neem Cream9. Where can I get more information and tips about my problems?
You can follow us on our blog, facebook page @valedaclinic and youtube channel @valeda doctor.10. How much will the treatment cost?
Exact treatment will be decided after consultation by doctor. Some of the treatments mentioned are:
family history of allergy viz asthma, eczema, high fever etc.
- Genetic predisposition is responsible for the preponderance of eczema in certain familiar and their absence in other.● General physical debility predisposes to eczema by lowering the resistance of the individual and hence the threshold.
● Local factors like xeroderma or ichthyosis, greasy skin, hyperhidrosis varicose veins causing congestion and focus of lowered resistance, hypostasis or chilblains, predispose to eczema development. ● In dry winters of Northern India cracking of skin of exposed parts may result in eczematization eczema crackle.
● Exciting causes are varied viz chemical plants, clothing, cosmetics medicaments, infection drugs, diet, focal sepsis etc. Once the skin has been irritated and sensitized. It becomes prone to further insults. Scratching, chemical trauma, climate strains and psychogenic stresses keep the process going with the result that dermatitis become chronic.
● Autosensitizing results in dissemination . At times the integument became so sensitive that it reacts unfavourably to all application - status eczematous.
● Multiple precipitating, exerting and aggravating factors which may be summarized as follows:
- Irritants- physical, chemical or electrical
- Sensitizers-plants, cosmetics, clothing, medicaments and occupational hazards
- External infections-streptococci, staphylococci, fungus etc.
- Mental and emotional conflicts, strains and stresses
- Internal septic focus shedding toxins or causing bacteremia
- Diet and state of digestion.
- Diathesis- allergic, xerodermic, hyperhidrotic or seborrhoeic.
- Drugs- given for disease or otherwise
- State of local or general nutrition
- Climate-temperature and humidity
Net difficult, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and contact eczema should be expelled.
Confined to the exposed parts of the body viz face, neck, 'V', of the chest, hands and external surfaces of the forearms and dorsa of feet and the adjoining part of legs
- Because of different clothing pattern prevalent in India, different parts of the body may be exposed producing different pictures.
- The skin is sensitive to sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
- Eruption develop or become aggravated on exposure to light.
- Seasonal variations are in important consideration. Particularly more so in countries with extreme of climate.
Why Valeda? How are treatments at Valeda different from any conventional mode?
Basis of treatment at ValedaThe basis of treatment at Valeda is treating the problem through Holistic Modes. A complete judicious program is required for the same.
The problem is not just external, there are many other causative factors in some other internal areas which are thoroughly analyzed during your consultation before starting the treatment.
The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs.
It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment which may include internal remedies supported by external modalities like:- localized immune-enhancer activities to affected region i.e. acupuncture, applications of products with certified organic herbs, modernized cosmetology and procedures based on ancient principles as mentioned in classical text including Constitutional diet & Yoga. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure.