Permanent Hair Removal

Holistic Way of Permanent Hair Removal
In holistic way of permanent hair removal we combine the modes to give you permanent hair removal in shortest time.
- Electrolysis Hair Removal through Blend
- Internal Constitutional Remedy - These remedies are given by Dr Seema Bali after complete case taking. It will not be same for any two individuals as every individual is different and needs different treatment. This remedy will give treat the internal causes responsible for excessive growth and give you result in fastest possible time. Also it will check the hormonal imbalance responsible for the fluctuation of your weight.
- External Local Applications - These applications will control the external stimulations responsible for excessive hair growth. It will also give protection from external environment.
- Constitutional Diet Plan - A Diet Plan to control your weight and metabolism variation which is a very major reason to increase unwanted hair. This is given to you according to your constitution after case taking.
The modes are:
Why Valeda?
- 39 Years of experience.
- 1st Doctors setup to start permanent hair removal in 1985.
- Most advanced equipments to do permanent hair removal.
- In practice The Valeda Electrolysis Blend Valeda Holistic Combination Mode (EBVHCM) . Unique mode invented by Dr Seema Bali and Rajesh Bali to give 4 times faster result as compared to conventional permanent hair removal techniques available in USA
Frequently Asked Questions
1. 32 connected FAQs have been answered in detail in English and in Hindi on this very website. Each answer is explained by before and after picture along with connected video. Answer to the question number 2 and 15 is also having progressive picture pdf to show you how to reach permanent end result. Please click on the below link for more details.
Electrolysis Blend Valeda Holistic Combination Mode (EBVHCM) 32 FAQs
2. Are you having any treatment which can give permanent results?
Yes of course, the Permanent Hair Removal has been practiced at Valeda since over 39 yrs. The Valeda Holistic Mode of hair removal treatment also corrects internal stimulating factors in our body.
3. Are you having any mode to give faster results than conventional Electrolysis Hair Removal?
Valeda Holistic Mode of hair removal treatment is capable of giving 4 times faster results than conventional Electrolysis Hair Removal as it also corrects internal stimulating factors in our body.
4. Can you tell me some home tips to control my unwanted hair?
Hair do not spring out of the soil as weeds do, they need to be encouraged, this encouragement may be a topical irritant resulting in increased microcirculation.
In the home care the best one must do is to avoid the stimulating factor like waxing, threading, tweezing, exposure to sun/ UV rays/ bleaching creams.
5. Where can I find more information about this?
You can follow us on our Valeda blog, facebook page @valedaclinic and YouTube channel @valeda doctor. Ever since the year 1990 our Dr Seema Bali is often invited to express her views on this topic on various TV channels. More than hundred of TV recordings of her programs are available on YouTube channel; please visit.
Valeda Herbal Electrolysis Youtube Channel