Skin Diseases

Under Eye Circles
The skin surrounding the eye is very thin and delicate. Utmost gentle eye care ensure clear glistening eyes and clear sparkling eyes indicate a healthy disposition.
In most areas of the body the epidermis is 35 to 50 micrometers thick. Micrometer is one millionth of a meter. On palms and soles the epidermis is usually much thicker, whereas around the eyes it is only about 20 micrometers thick. So, one can imagine how delicate and sensitive is the skin around the eyes. The epidermis around the eyes is not only very thin but it also contains many blood vessels.
Circles or dark shadow under the eyes are possible due to slow blood flow. The tensions that are trapped in the eye socket can result in poor eyesight, pain, fatigue, swelling, puffiness and sunken - sallow look. The eyes and the area around them loose their luster gets wrinkled and appears dark.
FAQs about Under Eye Circles
1. Why do we have under eye circles?
Periorbital melanosis or 'dark circles under the eye' is a frustrating condition with a multifactorial pathogenesis including genetic or constitutional pigmentation, dermal melanocytosis, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation secondary to atopic and allergic contact dermatitis, excessive subcutaneous vascularity, hormonal abnormalities, pigmentary demarcation lines, shadowing due to skin laxity, and tear trough associated with aging. When no cause is apparent, it is also termed idiopathic cutaneous hyperchromia of the orbital region (ICHOR). It is commonly observed in dark-skinned patients, especially Asians.The skin surrounding the eye is very thin and delicate. Utmost gentle eye care ensures clear glistening eyes and clear sparkling eyes indicate a healthy disposition. In most areas of the body the epidermis is 35 to 50 micrometers thick. Micrometer is one millionth of a meter. On palms and soles the epidermis is usually much thicker, whereas around the eyes it is only about 20 micrometers thick. So, one can imagine how delicate and sensitive the skin around the eyes is. The epidermis around the eyes is not only very thin but it also contains many blood vessels.
Circles or dark shadows under the eyes are possible due to slow blood flow. The tensions that are trapped in the eye socket can result in poor eyesight, pain, fatigue, swelling, puffiness and sunken- sallow look. The eyes and the area around them lose their luster, get wrinkled and appear dark.
The possible causes for such condition may be:
● Heredity.
● Lack of sleep.
● Poor nutrition (lack of Vit. A, B, C, E)
● Lack of eye exercises.
● Deoxygenated blood flow.
● Dry skin covered by squamous residue of stale eye make-up and other pollutants.
2. What do you do in Holistic Treatment at Valeda?
Holistic care means the care for the whole person that is his mind, body and spirit and not the disease/ problem/ symptoms alone. Holistic system believes that the whole person is made up of independent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way, if people have imbalances physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in their lives it can negatively affect their overall skin and hair. Holistic treatment would thus not only remove the symptoms along with the underlying cause of your problem / disease but would then also maintain your overall well being. To attain the Holistic Wellness the doctors at Valeda have envisaged the easy path that constitutes a Procedure Plan and a Product Plan. The Procedure Plan shall include the Constitutional Diet and Constitutional Homoeopathic Medicines along with Divine Detoxification and Relaxation. The Product Plan includes selected external applications for management of problem symptoms.Holistic treatment at Valeda is practiced in partnership with doctors and their patients. We shall holistically diagnose the root causative factors of your problem and if need be then also by latest scientific modalities. The cause may not necessarily be into the problem area. It can be some other functional organ of the body. The cause may or may not be medically significant. The causative factors will decide the treatment strategy. Treatments at Valeda Wellness Centers include oral Homoeopathic remedies supported by external applications. Provisions of Ayurvedic external modalities in a gentle Indian way do away with stress, sallow looks, wrinkles and darkness around the eyes. The results are such that one gets an incredibly rich luster in and around the eyes and receives the sense of ease and acceptance with enhanced feeling of contentment.
3. How important are derma sessions in lightening my under eye circles?
In the conditions when darkness around the eyes is predominantly a reflection of patchy dullness and dark complexion triggered by an unusually low capillary circulation the congestion needs to be eased. Derma sessions help release this congestion by increased metabolism in the area. They also boost absorption and increase the concentration of active ingredients from topical skin lightening products thus improving its efficacy and speeding up results. They have the ability to break up old scars and stimulate that collagen and elastin production which is similar to that of a healthy skin.4. How long will the treatment last?
The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs. It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure. It is commonly observed that if the response to the treatment is positive the affected skin may start showing improvements within 1-3 months. The duration of treatment may vary from person to person and it may continue for several months.5. Is there any side effects?
Treatments are safe and have been practiced since 39 years in Valeda. There are no side effects.6. What kind of diet should I have to get rid of Under eye circles?
Where individuals suffering with dark under eye circles have deficiency in iron as a major contributing factor, there an Iron rich diet is suggested. Otherwise it is recommended to maintain a healthy and balanced diet by consuming green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.7. Can you tell me any local applications and home remedies for getting rid of under eye circles?
The local applications which support to maintain emolliency are Valeda Herbal Jojoba Under Eye Cream and Valeda Herbal Almond Under Eye Milk.8. Where can I get more information and tips about my problems?
You can follow us on our Valeda blog, facebook page @valeda clinic and youtube channel @valeda doctor. Ever since the year 1990 our Dr Seema Bali is often invited to express her views on this topic on various TV channels. More than hundred of TV recordings of her programs are available on YouTube channel; please visit9. How much will the treatment cost?
Treatment cost will depend on the procedures recommended by the doctor taking the consultation. Recommended procedures depend on the nature of the problem and certain individual factors. Cost of some of the treatments & procedures for reference is mentioned in the following table:
The possible causes for such condition may be
● Heredity.
● Lack of sleep.
● Poor nutrition (lack of vit.a, b, c, e)
● Lack of eye exercise.
● De-oxygenated blood flow.
● Dry skin covered by squamous residue of stale eye make-up and other pollutants.
Why Valeda? How are treatments at Valeda different from any conventional mode?
Basis of treatment at Valeda
The basis of treatment at Valeda is treating the problem through Holistic Modes. A complete judicious program is required for the same.The problem is not just external, there are many other causative factors in some other internal areas which are thoroughly analyzed during your consultation before starting the treatment.
The causative factors may not be necessarily based into the affected region and may be associated with disorders of internal organs.
It is, 'the nature of the problem' that calls in for the strategy of the treatment which may include internal remedies supported by external modalities like:- localized immune-enhancer activities to affected region i.e. acupuncture, applications of products with certified organic herbs, modernized cosmetology and procedures based on ancient principles as mentioned in classical text including Constitutional diet & Yoga. On examination by the concerned Doctor and on case taking these details are given to you as a routine procedure.